East Rand Mall

My Eco Sprout seeks to give top-notch Growing Guides.

Empower your kids to grow their own plants with our Kid-Friendly guide.

How to Grow Bush Beans: 

1. Find a Sunny Spot:

Pick a place in your garden or use a pot that gets plenty of sunlight. Bush beans love lots of sunshine!

2. Plant the Seeds:

Make small holes in the soil, about 2-3 cm deep, and drop one seed into each hole. Cover the seeds with soil and press down gently.

3. Water Regularly:

Water the soil lightly every day to keep it moist, but not too wet. Bush beans like water, but they don't like soggy soil!

4. Watch Them Sprout:

In about a week, you'll see little plants starting to grow. Keep an eye on them to make sure they're happy and healthy.

5. Support Their Growth:

As the plants get taller, they might need some help standing up. You can gently tie them to a small stick or stake if they start to lean.

6. Harvest Time:

In about 7-8 weeks, your bush beans will be ready to pick. Gently pull the beans off the plant, and more will grow back!

Growing bush beans is fun and easy, and soon you'll have tasty beans to eat right from your garden!

Don’t forget to use your discount on our website and cultivate beautiful veggies! 

How to Grow Swiss Chard

1. Pick the Right Spot:

Find a sunny spot in your garden or use a pot with good soil. Swiss chard loves the sun!

2. Plant the Seeds:

Make small holes in the soil, about 1 cm deep, and drop in one seed per hole. Cover them with soil and pat gently.

3. Water Regularly:

Keep the soil moist by watering lightly every day, but don't make it too soggy. Swiss chard likes water, but not too much!

4. Watch Them Grow:

In about a week, you'll see tiny plants peeking out. Keep them safe from bugs by checking on them often.

5. Thin Them Out:

When the plants are about 10 cm tall, pick the weakest ones, so the stronger plants have more room to grow.

6. Harvest Time:

After 8-10 weeks, your Swiss chard will be ready to pick. Snip off the outer leaves first, and more will keep growing back.

Growing Swiss chard is easy and fun, and you'll get to eat your very own veggies!

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